What is the value of Cocoa Commodity from Indonesia?

The value of exports of commodity group 1806 “Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa” from Indonesia totalled $ 70 million in 2021. Sales of commodity group 1806 from Indonesia went up by 59% compared to 2020: exports of commodity group 1806 “Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa” went up by $ 26 million (cumulative exports of commodity group 1806 from Indonesia amounted $44 million in 2020)

Exports of commodity group 1806 “Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa” amounted to 0.03% of total exports from Indonesia (cumulative merchandise exports from Indonesia totalled $ 231 billion in 2021). The share of commodity group 1806 in total exports from Indonesia increased by  0.003 p.p. compared to 2020 (it was 0.027% in 2020 and cumulative exports from Indonesia were equal to $ 163 billion).

Exports of commodity group 1806 amounted to 5.81% of total sales of group “” from Indonesia in 2021 (the value of exports of commodity group from Indonesia amounted to $1.2 billion in 2021). The share of exports of commodity group 1806 in sales of commodity group from Indonesia increased by 2.26 p.p. compared to 2020 (it was 3.54% in 2020, and exports of commodity group from Indonesia were $1.24 billion).

Where does Indonesia export Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa?

Top export destinations of “Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa” from Indonesia in 2021:

  • Philippines with a share of 30% (21 million US$)
  • China with a share of 13.6% (9.54 million US$)
  • Malaysia with a share of 12.8% (9.02 million US$)
  • Thailand with a share of 11.5% (8.13 million US$)
  • United Arab Emirates with a share of 4.79% (3.36 million US$)
  • Vietnam with a share of 3.96% (2.78 million US$)
  • Singapore with a share of 3.35% (2.35 million US$)
  • Korea with a share of 2.87% (2.01 million US$)
  • India with a share of 2.81% (1.97 million US$)
  • Saudi Arabia with a share of 1.74% (1.22 million US$)

Exports structure of 1806 – Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa – from Indonesia in 2021 represented by the following main commodity groups:

  • 59% (41 million US$): 180690 – Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa; n.e.s. in chapter 18
  • 28% (20 million US$): 180620 – Chocolate & other food preparations cont. cocoa (excl. of 1803.10-1806.10), in blocks/slabs/bars weighing >2kg
  • 8.04% (5.64 million US$): 180610 – Cocoa powder, cont. added sugar/other sweetening matter
  • 2.98% (2.09 million US$): 180631 – Chocolate & other food preparations cont. cocoa, in blocks/slabs/bars, weighing 2kg/less, filled
  • 1.12% (793 thousand US$): 180632 – Chocolate & other food preparations cont. cocoa, in blocks/slabs/bars, weighing 2kg/less, not fillled

The value of imports of commodity group 1806 “Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa” to Indonesia totalled $ 92 million in 2021. Sales of commodity group 1806 to Indonesia went up by 25% compared to 2020: imports of commodity group 1806 “Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa” went up by $ 18.6 million (the value of imports of commodity group 1806 to Indonesia was equal to $73 million in 2020)

Imports of commodity group 1806 “Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa” accounted for 0.047% of total import flow to Indonesia (in 2021, total imports to Indonesia amounted to $ 196 billion). The share of commodity group 1806 in total imports to Indonesia decreased by  0.004 p.p. compared to 2020 (it was 0.052% in 2020 and cumulative imports to Indonesia were equal to $ 141 billion).

Imports of commodity group 1806 reached 11.4% of total imports of group “” to Indonesia in 2021 (imports of commodity group to Indonesia totalled $804 million in 2021). The share of purchases of commodity group 1806 in total imports of commodity group to Indonesia increased by 0.158 p.p. compared to 2020 (it was 11.3% in 2020, and imports of commodity group to Indonesia accounted for $650 million).

source : https://trendeconomy.com/data/h2/Indonesia/1806

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